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Each game has 10 questions.
Green box means correct.
Yellow box means incorrect.
Unlock harder levels by getting an average of 80% or higher.
Earn up to 5 stars for each level
The more questions you answer correctly, the more stars you'll unlock!
Each game has 10 questions.
Green box means correct.
Yellow box means incorrect.
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Learn Math Together.
Year 9 - Developing numerical reasoning
Standard 9.REI.1.1 - Interpret a word problem to find the related linear equation with an intercept.
Included Skills:
Identify processes and connections
• Learners are able to:
- transfer mathematical skills across the curriculum in a variety of contexts and everyday situations
- select, trial and evaluate a variety of possible approaches and break complex problems into a series of tasks
- prioritise and organise the relevant steps needed to complete the task or reach a solution
- choose an appropriate mental or written strategy and know when it is appropriate to use a calculator
- use a scientific calculator to carry out calculations effectively and efficiently using the available range of function keys
- identify, measure or obtain required information to complete the task
- select appropriate mathematics and techniques to use
- estimate and visualise size when measuring and use the correct units
- develop and evaluate mathematical strategies and ideas creatively
- consider connections between mathematical skills and contextualise these within extended tasks
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